In my view, the entire universe is the Supreme Being, an infinite, purposeful system of positive and negative forces which has always existed and always will, and each of us is that eternal being of light and darkness from our own unique point-of-view.
In this book, I discuss my personal pantheistic views like how the universe is the constant causation of all things, including your own existence, and that you are in truth The Forever All, the entire universe, all of reality, because everything is required in order for you to exist (in order for anything to exist), and because it is all, ultimately, connected into a single concert. You are the summation of all things, you are that single cosmic concert trying to perceive itself.
I also discuss how the universe, all of reality, is of the natural world and never of the supernatural and, overall, always remains balanced and conserved like the Yin-Yang. I discuss the importance of balance and how I believe it is the heart of the All and the secret of life. I discuss the needed balance between the atheists and the theists, between the capitalists and the socialists, between the Liberals and the Conservatives, and between the government and the governed. I also discuss how neither science nor religion, independent of the other, can adequately explain the world and how ultimate truth will only arise when the scientific thinkers join forces with the spiritual thinkers. I created this book as a philosophical and spiritual guide for all those seeking truth. Inside, you will find several excerpts from my personal writings on metaphysics, science, technology, politics, and religion, along with samples of my artwork. (30 illustrations included).
I base all my views on what the universe has taught me so far, right or wrong, on all that I have learned in classrooms, books, magazines, television, family and friends, along with all my own personal life experiences and many hours of deep contemplation. For example, the scientific discovery and view that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed has helped me conclude that the universe has always existed and always will. I have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for science and the scientific method and believe it is one of the best approaches to predicting and understanding the world. However, I also have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for philosophical thought which aims to be rooted in logic and reason and can help us to responsibly leap beyond the scientific data so as not to become lost in the numbers and the details. I always strive to remove my unfounded emotions and what I want or wish to be true from the equation and always struggle to discover the full truth of reality no matter how painful or disappointing certain aspects of our reality may be. I hope to share all my philosophical discoveries, so you may see it as I see it, both ugly and beautiful. The universe is a remarkable, awesome tapestry.
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The Chapters You’ll Find Inside:
Preface: Welcome To My Thoughts!
CH 01: Defining the All—A Brief Introduction
CH 02: You are the All
CH 03: The Positive vs The Negative—The Yin and The Yang
CH 04: The Physical vs The Non-Physical
CH 05: Permanence vs Impermanence
CH 06: The Past vs The Future
CH 07: The Past and The Future vs The Present
CH 08: Science vs Religion
CH 09: Atheism vs Theism—P1: Why I am Somewhere in Between
CH 10: Atheism vs Theism—P2: My Search for God
CH 11: Evolution vs Creation
CH 12: Heaven vs Hell: Do They Exist?
CH 13: Pain vs Pleasure: Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
CH 14: Polyamory vs Monogamy
CH 15: Unity vs Division
CH 16: Independence vs Dependence
CH 17: Capitalism vs Socialism—P1: A Balanced Approach
CH 18: Capitalism vs Socialism—P2: Propaganda In a Classroom
CH 19: Democrats vs Republicans—Become a Centrist
CH 20: The Ideal Society
CH 21: Be Balanced
About Me, The Author
Preface: Welcome to My Thoughts!
To summarize the essence of all my views and the purpose of this book–
I am under the impression that the universe is an infinite system, which has always been here and always will be, and that each of us can consider him or herself to be at the apex of that infinite and forever system. I believe this infinite and forever system, which I often call “The Forever All,” is required in order for any of us to exist.
I strongly believe there is a profound meaning and purpose to it all and an inherent goodness, which can never be destroyed. Unfortunately, I believe there is also an inherent darkness, which too can never be destroyed. There can’t be one without the other. But, ultimately, these two forces remain conserved and balanced.
I’ve come to realize that neither science nor religion, independent of the other, can provide a satisfactory explanation to our existence or the existence of the world. I believe ultimate truth will arise only when the scientific thinkers join forces with the spiritual thinkers. Yes, the world can be viewed as a mechanical thing, but at the same time, it is an awesome, divine thing, which ultimately goes beyond full understanding.
I also believe we have reached a critical point in our history when the ideal society can be truly realized if we can all just learn how to deflate our egos and work together as a team. Now is the time to permanently throw out the out-dated idea, “It’s every man for himself,” and instead adopt the much more compassionate slogan, “All for one and one for all.” Therefore, I invite all thinkers, spiritual and scientific, to read on. . . .
CH 1: Defining the All–a Brief Introduction

Star field by NASA’s Hubble telescope.
There is the All. The All is everything and every thing is of the All. It is a divine system with clockwork-like precision and order, which we are all a part of. It is the ultimate body, the ultimate mind, and the ultimate spirit. It is not the created, nor is it the destructible. It is the Supreme Being which has always been, is, and always will be. It is the law and it is the authority. It is what governs all things, including itself, yet it has no choice but to be what it is and to do what it does. That which is responsible for the existence of the All . . . is the All itself.
The All is also the ultimate contradiction, the ultimate paradox. It has substance, and yet it doesn’t. It moves, and yet it remains fixed. It is very old, and yet it is brand new. It is divided, and yet it is whole. It is singular, and yet it is infinite. Therefore, it is both good as well as evil, cruel as well as kind, beautiful as well as ugly, and painful as well as pleasant. At times it is frightening, though at times it is comforting. At times it hurts us, though at times it pleasures us. At times it gives life, though at times it takes it away. But, overall, it remains conserved, unchanged, and completely balanced. Overall, it is the guiding force that pushes us towards a balanced path. Overall, it is responsible for our existence. Overall, it has meaning and it has purpose. . . .
CH 2: You are the All

The Greatest Epiphany by Guyus Seralius, © 1993-2010.
All things play a part in creating your perception. Therefore, in your perception, you should see that you are the All.
There is your local self, that version of you that likely moves around within a vessel of human flesh at the moment, a subset of the All that forever grows, changes, and which will one day die, and then there is your cosmic self, that truer, eternal, universal version of you that is the All in its entirety and which will never change or die. In one sense, you are like a single leaf upon an endless cosmic tree, but in another, equally real sense, you are the entire, endless cosmic tree, for it is all, ultimately, connected.
Everything requires the All in order to exist. Nothing can exist outside the All, nor be independent of it. Consider what it takes for you to exist. Aside from requiring the obvious, such as a brain, a heart, a digestive system, etc., you require all else beyond your apparent body. For instance, you require water to hydrate your body, an atmosphere to hold the water into liquid form, a strong gravitational force to pull in and compress gases into such an atmosphere, a planetary body to provide the gravity and to serve as a platform, a source of heat energy, like our sun, to warm things up. Atoms are needed to form these gases, planets, and stars. Space is needed for these objects to occupy, and so on. In short, you require the All, the entire universe, an infinite system, in order to exist.
The All is what makes any one thing possible. The All is required in order for any of us to exist, and, ultimately, no one thing is more important than any other. Each thing, no matter how insignificant it may appear, plays its part in sustaining you as well as the All. Therefore, since the All is required for you to exist, you should see that . . . YOU ARE THE ALL. . . .
CH 3: The Positive vs The Negative–The Yin and The Yang

Darkness and Light by Guyus Seralius, © 2011. Photoshop.
The Positive and the Negative are the two ultimate descriptive words of the All. They are the two ultimate forces, the two ultimate attributes, and the two ultimate values of the All. Understand these two forces and how they interact and you will be very close to understanding the theory of everything. The All is comprised of these two fundamental forces, which are always in opposition of one another. Therefore, one half of the All constantly contends with its other half, yet the All forever remains balanced and conserved as a whole.
These two forces are responsible for all other opposites found in the universe. Everywhere we look in nature do we see examples of these two opposite forces at work—also known as the Yin and Yang, terms which have been popularized by Eastern philosophers. Examples of some of these opposites are night and day, up and down, large and small, hot and cold, light and dark, open and closed, pain and pleasure, etc. It could be said that these two main opposite forces serve as our true parents, for they are responsible for your existence and are responsible for the All. You can’t have one without the other. When you adjust one, you automatically adjust the other, for they shape each other. . . .
CH 9: Atheism vs Theism–Part 1: Why I am Somewhere in Between

The Helix nebula: NGC 7293. NASA Hubble telescope image, May 10, 2003.
God, in my view, is the universe limited to a set of natural laws. So God, the universe, does not have the ability to choose. God is more like a natural machine. In fact, I usually refer to God as It and almost never as Him, unless I accompany the word with Her to convey the yin-yang aspect of the universe. But to me, it is a very divine machine with rules and physical laws, which everything has to obey. For example, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the pi of any circle must be 3.14. I use the term divine, when describing this machine, only to convey its incredible functionality and complexity and order, which overall seems to have value, meaning, and purpose, and not as something supernatural or all good. . . .
CH 10: Atheism vs Theism–Part 2: My Search for God

NASA Hubble telescope image.
The big question is, though, is it possible for any god of creation to have created the world any other way? For example, could a god have created a world without liquids or a world without opposites? Could a god have created a universe absent of all mathematical constructs or allow 1 + 2 to equal 36?
The universe has always existed and always will. It is eternal in the same way the mathematical construct 1 + 2 = 3 is eternal, or the three sided triangle, or the color wheel, or the music scales, or the golden ratio. These concepts truly have no beginning nor an end. They couldn’t have evolved, or been invented by man, or created by any god or some first time big bang event. They are truly eternal. From the perceiver’s point-of-view, the universe is like one cosmic conveyor belt, whereby portions are constantly being created or constructed, while other areas are being destroyed or deconstructed. Like the ocean that is always moving and changing, from an observer’s view, yet still remains to be the ocean. . . .
CH 21: Be Balanced

Be Balanced, illustrated by Guyus Seralius. © 2012. Photoshop.
If there is a secret to life, it is and will forever be the idea of balance.
The universe, overall, seems to be perfectly balanced and conserved and will likely forever remain so. I don’t think anything can ever disrupt that overall perfect balance. However, from the perceiver’s perspective, the world is seen to be very out of balance, for perfect equilibrium can never be achieved or experienced from the perceiver’s limited point-of-view. The reason for this is because all perceivers are forced to experience the world in a limited fashion. We are not capable of experiencing or perceiving all aspects of the infinite All, simultaneously. We cannot hear every sound, see every grain of dust, or feel every substance of the universe, all at once. We are forced to witness the dark shadows of night and then the wonderful highlights of day. We must experience the cold of winter as well as the warmth of summer. If we were somehow able to experience absolute, perfect balance, all would be like a dull, boring, homogeneous soup, where nothing interesting ever happens. Therefore, we are forced to experience the All in an endless series of imbalances. When we experience huge offsets in balance, we are swung up and down like a yo-yo from the highs to lows and back again. These imbalances, when pushed to the extreme, will lead to either great moments of pleasure and joy that must eventually be followed by great moments of pain and sorrow, or vice versa. It becomes a tug-of-war situation until better equilibrium is obtained once again. This huge undulation between the extremes can be very disconcerting. Thankfully, life tries to encourage us, through incentives and disincentives, through pain and pleasure, to maintain as much equilibrium as possible.
The universe uses a variety of ways to urge us towards a very balanced path. Though, at times, it does this with amazing cruelty and can be quite unforgiving. Sadly, the universe always punishes us when we try to reach towards the extremes. For instance, if we become too selfish then the universe, by its own laws of nature, responds in a way so as to reverse our greedy behavior like causing us to lose friends who have been taught by the universe to hate selfish behavior. If we are too giving, then again, the universe will respond in such a way that pushes our excessive behavior back into balance, such as allowing others to take advantage of us when we are too generous. This cosmic urge towards balance is the law of the All. It is the primary commandment of the universe. In this way, the universe, as a whole, provides guidance to all living things. . . .
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